Creative Workshop

Have a request for a Template? We'd ❤️ to hear it!

Vote for a Template!

Our design team takes some of the best requests and brings them to life.
Once a Template receives 20 votes, we'll build it and make it available in the Template Library.

  • A mockup of a 7 day menu Template

    0 Votes

    requested by Faulkner University

  • A mockup of a daily joke Template

    0 Votes

    requested by Brockport CSD

  • A mockup of a Template for Google Slide and an analogue clock

    0 Votes

    requested by Royall Schools

Freshly Built

New Templates that are in a "class" of their own.
We recommend adding them to keep your displays looking fresh!

  • A Template showing weather with a video background

    Mat built it

    requested by Bennington Schools

  • A Template showing a 5 day weather forecast

    Claire built it

    requested by Vilonia Schools

  • A Tempalte showing weather and Google Slides

    Peter built it

    requested by PCM Schools
